Intermediate Online Rallye
This Rallye is a bit Longer
Here is our Intermediate Map-Based Gimmick Rallye. If you have not done the novice and Beginner events yet, we suggest you try your hand at the easier versions first. Use the link for that in the home page of On Line Rallyes above.

Assume the following rules:
Use only road segments on the map, and any road segment that would lead you off the map is nonexistent U-turns are not allowed. Proceed as straight as possible or go right at Tee when you have no instruction to execute. Execute the route instructions in numerical order. When a route instruction places you on a road by the use of the word ‘onto’, you are to if possible, stay on, follow or reenter that road by the name of the road upon which you were put ‘onto’ that road, until you can execute your next route instruction. Definitions: Sideroad: A named road that extends in only one direction from your road. Crossroad: a named road that extends in two directions from your road. Road names are continuous the entire length of the road or until they change. Execute the route instructions in numerical order, beginning with route instruction 1. Suffixes to road names, such as road, street, Lane, st, etc. are irrelevant and interchangeable. Case type is interchangeable. For questions assume 1/2 inch maximum. Spelling must be correct.
Route Instructions:
1. Begin at point A in the direction of the arrow.
2. Right on crossroad then Right on Thorson.
3. South onto 45.
4. Right on James.
5. Left on Lauessen Lane then Right on Stompanato.
6. Left on second crossroad.
7. Right at Tee then Right onto Dennis A. Dorner Memorial.
8. Left at Tee then Left on Stompanato then make alternate Right/Left turns until you can go Left on Lee Lane.
9. Right on Dennis A. Dorner Memorial then Left on sideroad then Right at Tee.
10. Right on Jackson then Left on Pobloske then beginning at Tee (at Nancy Lynn) go right on every ‘lane’ until you get to 45, then go Left on 45.
11. Right on Burt then Left on Thorson.
13. Right on Corcoran.
12. Right on Metke.
14. Left on 45 then Left on Svircev then End rallye at Kathy St.
Answer these questions along the way:
1. How many times did you travel on Karen Ct?
2. While on 45 how many times did you pass the
3. Did you pass the turtle while on Jackson?
4. Did you pass the light house while on Dennis Dorner Memorial?
5. Did you pass the diner while on Lee?
6. Did you travel on Tom?
7. Did you pass the puppy while on Corcoran?
8. Do you see the clock tower at the end of the rallye?
9. Did you pass the duck while on Jens?

1. How many times did you travel on Karen? Zero – You should never have been on Karen. The rules tell you that a road segment leading off the map is nonexistent. Thus the first crossroad, Karen is only a sideroad, and you should have gone to Thorson, looped around by the tee rule, and then come back to Thorson for the next instruction.
2. While on 45 how many times did you pass the windmill? Once, later in the rallye. Off course followed the ONTO rule here and followed 45. The onto rule does not require you to stay on, etc. a numbered route only a named road. Name does not equate to a number unless specifically told this in the rules. Which you were not.
3. Did you pass the turtle while on Jackson? Yes. Jackson is the second crossroad. It jogs, to your left and to your right while on Stompanato. Thus meeting our definition.
4. Did you pass the light house while on Dennis Dorner Memorial? No. You should never be on Dennis Dorner memorial, you were placed ‘onto’ Dennis A. Dorner Memorial (you need the A)
5. Did you pass the diner while on Lee? No. You should not have been on Lee. The instruction only told you to make the alternate turns until you CAN turn on Lee Lane. We never told you to actually turn on Lee Lane (sigh).
6. Did you travel on Tom? Yes. Since road, street, st, etc. are interchangeable, lane is the same as street, road, etc. So on course go right on Tom.
7. Did you pass the puppy while on Corcoran? Yes. You did notice that 12 and 13 were out of order did you not? Either way, like all Wheels Rallyes, we get you all back together.
8. Do you see the clock tower at the end of the rallye? No. You should have gone by the Kathy street because the road segment led off the map, and thus was nonexistent. You believe in us and travel down to the Kathy at the bottom of the map.
9. Did you pass the duck while on Jens? No. A sideroad is defined as a named road and the first sideroad you encounter does not have a name, on course went to the next sideroad.
Some of the above were difficult some easy but we hope you had a good time getting the
basic feeling of road rallying. Come on out and see a real rallye with real roads sometime
Don’t Peek at the Answers To The master Rallye Until You Have Completed It