The Wheels Rallye Team Experience
When you come out to a Wheels Rallye Team event you come out to a well-planned, entertaining event designed to make up a fun evening of challenge and fun.
You will be greeted by friendly, smiling people who care about you and want you to enjoy the evening.
Right from the start, you will notice Wheels' group of members and helpers, all there to lend you a hand.
The rallymaster is the person in charge of the event, the designer who has put his or her considerable knowledge of the sport into creating a high-level creation that will delight your senses.
Wheels has numerous 'New Rallyist Helpers' that are there to answer your questions, provide rallye schooling and to assist you in understanding the sport.
Plus we have our exclusive TRAINING WHEELS which combines the elements of a rallye school before the event and notes for newcomers during the rallye.
Our rallyes are diversified and creative, each one telling its own story and setting its own pace.
We end all of our rallyes at 10pm or before, and our super-quick scoring usually gets you out of the endpoint at a decent hour, usually before 10:30pm. We run an efficient operation that takes you, the participant in mind. We also feature short general instructions and extensive rallye schools and question/answering sessions before and after the event.
Wheels Rallye team was founded by Jens and Karen Lauesen to design smart, fun, accurate road rallyes that provide challenge to the competitors and a good time for all. Wheels events have continued that philosophy in providing cutting edge rallyes that are easy to run and uncomplicated in nature. We love road rallying and welcome all participants, new and old.

The members of the Wheels rallye Team want you to have a good time on our events. Whether a tough gimmick road rallye or a delightful tour or cruise we strive to make the experience a memorable one.
Here is a brief biography of some of the key players:
Dennis Dorner not only has been involved in gimmick road rallying for over 50 years but also had produced and rally-mastered over 400 rallyes including legendary Chicago area events as NEMESIS, THE CHRISTMAS LIGHT TOUR, THE FAMOUS GHOST HUNT, and more. He also was, with Frank Warner and Larry Balsamo, the producer of CHECKPOINT , the road rally game, that was played on a board and on the internet and offered up to 50,000 dollars in prizes. He is a member of the sports Hall of Fame, and has been considered the best rallymaster of all time.
Lee and Susan Thorson have been instrumental in the Wheels Rallye Team's success over the years, usually organizing and scoring most of the events as well as producing and rallymastering events like THE SUMMER CRUISE. They have been on the job working to make sure all the rallyes are as lean and easy to understand as possible for well over 30 years. Their efforts have made this club go forward for its many years.
Karen Flasch has been a top competitor in rallying for many years. She is the rallymaster of the ultra-popular THE FAMOUS PUZZLER RALLYE. Her efforts in checking other people's rallyes and giving her time in other aspects of the sport have been generous and excellent.
Gary Sakata Gary was the original creator of The Famous Puzzler Rallye, along with his brother Ron Sakata, that has delighted people for over 20 years.
This event has captured the imagination of puzzle masters, friends and families in large groups and brought untold numbers of people into gimmick road rallying.
Other members include: Jens and Karen Lauesen (our founders), Steve Fee, Chip Kopp, Alexandra Flasch, Tom and Christi Gergits, Jim Leonard, Susan and Christopher Stompanato, Scott Chupack, Christine Claus, Wayne and Cheryl Zalokar, Mike and Megan Zalokar (long time rallymasters of the Great Turkey Hunt), and many more.
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Take The Checkered Flag Without Driving Fast
Our rallyes are designed to be run at speed limit and under, it's not a race and its great for the whole family.