3 Free Rallyes

   If you live in the Chicago area you can run it on the streets, if you live out of town, or are staying at home you can run it on Google Street View.

Welcome to the Free Car Rally Presented by WHEELS RALLYE TEAM. This rale has basic gimmicks with a few curveballs thrown in. After you finish the rallye, send us in your scoresheet and we will send you the answers and explanations of the gimmicks. Please use the following e-mail: wheelsrallyeteam@aol.com. You can run it anytime and if wou wish grab a hot dog at Rand Rd Red Hots then you finish. There won’t  be a trophy, for you on this rallye, but it is a good opportunity to bone up on regular rallye gimmicks and procedures. Have fun. We are in Park Ridge where they still use vertical street markers on most corners, read all street signs as intended. Just a note that if you can’t get out to run this event for any reason, feel free to run it in Google Maps Street View from the comfort of your own home. Start at Mariano’s parking lot on Cumberland just North of I-90.(corner of Higgins Rd).


    The rallye runs on open public roads only, alleys, parking lots with the exception of the start and endpoint, are non existent, as are driveways and any private propertyEach route instruction is preceded by a number. Route instructions are to be performed in ascending consecutive numerical order starting with route instruction 1. Each route instruction must be performed by physical evidence seen from the course at the first chance to do do, unless otherwise specified. If you do not have an instruction that applies  travel as straight as possible or go right at tee and continue to look for where your instruction applies.   When it comes to road names we usually refer to the names as Smith, Jones, etc. not regarding the prefixes of N, S, E, W, North, South, East, west, Old or new. Road = rd = street = avenue =lane, etc. Thus if you had a road  named Old Smith Road. We will probably just refer to it as Smith. Any road segment marked as “no outlet” or “dead end” are non existent.

   Always take the order or precedence in mind where you have more than one type of instruction to perform at the same point. The order of precedence is: General Instructions, Route instructions, Right at Tee then straight.

    Make no U turns on the route. B = T. 

    There will be questions asked of you during the rallye. Each valid question is indicated by the capital letter Q and a number, then completed by a question mark. A question replies from the completion of the route instruction most nearly above to the completion of the route instruction most nearly below. The route instructions are considered to be one continuous page. Answer each question and put the answer on the score sheet in the spaces provided. Some questions may be invalid and these should be left blank.

   Any thing in quotes, “example” refers to a sign. Spelling must be correct, but font, spacing, case type and color are irrelevant. Signs are quoted from left to right, top to bottom—note that a street sign written anyway can be read. Only numbers and letters and arrows  are existent on a sign, anything else is considered artwork. Artwork is nonexistent. Letters and numbers must be in contiguous order and no letter can be skipped within the quote, on a sign. Separate signs on the same structure are the same sign. You should never look backward to read a sign. Signs will be to the left, right or in front of you. Signs may be quoted in full or part.


Stop Sign—An official highway sign at an intersection containing the word ”stop” at which yo are required to stop.

Sideroad—A named road that extends from your named road in only one direction.

Direction - right or left.

Intersection—The meeting or crossing of two more more named roads.

Crossroad—An intersection where another named road crosses your named road.

Tee—An intersection in the general shape of the letter T, where you have a chance to go right, a chance to go left, but no chance to so straight ahead. Lazy tees are tees.

The Rallye begins at Mariano's parking lot on Cumberland and Higgins Road just off the I90 exit.

Route Instructions - Free Rallye

1. Head out of Mariano’s parking lot by going North on Cumberland.

2. Right on Glenlake then left at the first opportunity,  

   Q1. Did you see “Ahead”?

   Q2. Did you see “stop here on red no turn on red”?

3. Left on Granville then Right on Greenwood..

**Pick Up Point—Northbound on Greenwood from Granville.**

4. Left at Park Ridge. .

   Q3.Did you pass Delphia?

5. Right on Devon.

   Q4.Did you pass “Snow Stops”?

6. Left on Lincoln.

**Pick up Point—Heading North on Lincoln from Devon**

7. Left on Albion then Right at fourth crossroad.

   Q5. Did you see “No Outlet”?

8. Left on Talcott.

   Q6. Did you see “Do not enter”?

9. Left on Hamlin.

10. Left at second Stop Sign.

   Q7. Did you travel on Albion?

11. Left on Seminary.

12. Left on crossroad after Gillick.

   Q8. Did you pass “Warren”?

13. Right on Home (comes up quick).

**Pick Up Point—North on Home from Talcott**

14. Left on the second crossroad.

   Q9. Did you travel on Desplaines?

15, Left on Rose.

16. Right at first opportunity then Right on Dee.

**Pick up Point—Northbound on Dee from Touhy.**

17. Right on a road that is named for a type of tree or Right on Cherry.

   Q10. On which road are you traveling?

 18. Left first opportunity then Left on Broadway.

**Pick up point—Northbound on Broadway from Sibley**

19. Turn at second sideroad.

   Q11. Did you travel on Irwin?

20. Right on Dee.

   O12. Did you see “Do Not Block Intersection”?

   Q13. Did you see “Do Not Block Driveways”?

   Q14. Did you see “Do not stop on track”?

21. Left on Virginia (road just before tracks) then Right on Goodwin then Left on Oakton.

22. Right after 14 ft 3 in.

    Q15. Did you see Walnut?

23. Continue West on Algonquin Road then Right on White.

24, Left on third one way street.

   Q16.Did you pass Central Park?

25. Right on Center then Left on Thacker.

**Pick up Point—Westbound on Thacker from Central approaching Mannheim**

26.  Right on Lee (Mannheim).

   Q17. Did you see “Emmanuel Lutheren School”?

   Q18. Did you see “Farmers insurance”?

27. Left on Perry (after Northwest hwy Miner).

28. Right on Graceland then Left at Tee (Rand Road).

29. Left on Seegers.

   Q19. Did you pass “Shared Lane Yield To Bikes?”

   Q20. Did you see “No Dumping”.

   Q21. Did you see “RXR”?

   Q22. Did you see “Railroad Crossing”?

   Q23. Did you see a No Truck parking sign?

   Q24. Did you see “4th Ave”?

   Q25 . Did you see “Photo enforced $375 Fine”?

30.. Right on Broadway then Take route 58 east then Right on Rand

And The Answers:


Q1. NO. If you did you went on Brophy and the general instructions tell you T=B, and the General instructions tell you there wont be a trophy on this rallye for you. T=B, Brophy—trophy. So it wasn’t there for you to turn on. On course went to Prospect.

Q2. no. Arrows are existent on a sign and  the arrow must be quoted.

Q3, NO. The general instructions tell you “we are in park Ridge” so you are already at Park Ridge At Bonita Drive off course go to Park Ridge Blvd.

Q4. Yes,  you see two snow route signs that include “snow Stops”

Q5. Yes, if you noticed Aldine was not a crossroad because of the no outlet you should have gone to Home where you see a “No outlet” for Gillick Street.

Q6. Yes, on your right side.

Q7. NO, the first stop sign is not a Stop sign because it is not at an intersection, you have to go all the way to Devon,

Q8.YES. If you noticed Seminary changes name at Talcott across the street it is something different, therefore making the crossroad, not a crossroad.

Q9. Yes. Despite the do not enter signs, traffic indeed crosses yours heading west on the one way street. Just because you have a do not enter sign it still meets the definition of a crossroad.

Q10. Cherry, even though that’s still a type of tree you don’t have physical evidence that Elm was named for a tree, a Guy named Paul Elm, etc.,

Q11. NO, all a sideroad needs to identify itself is if it comes into your road by one direction so you pass a sideroad, then when you get to Broadway's bend in the road you have second named sideroad Milton, which you can use.

Q12. No, or blank. Can’t answer because it is not a question, it doesn’t have the Q it has a O/

Q13.Not scored because driveways may be non existent, even though the sign is good.

Q14. Yes. Do not stop on track, is a sign reading in part you do not need the S after tracks.

Q15. No, you can turn after driving 14 ft 3 inches, it is not in quotes, off course go right on River and see Walnut at Barry Lane.

Q16. No you should not have gone that far. You have Campbell and Walnut both one way to the left as 1 and 3 and  Henry one way to the right. Still a one way street.

Q17. No this is spelled wrong.

Q18. No this is on a building it does not read left to right to p to bottom after farmers there are other words.

Q19. Blank. The question mark is inside of the quotes and only numbers, letters or arrows can be quoted..

Q20. Blank, there is no question mark completing the question.

Q21. Not Scored, Does it read left to right top to bottom? Maybe, but we don’t score this.

Q22. No this does not read contiguously left to right top to bottom.

Q23. No you see a truck with a line crossing through it You can’ recognize art work. So no.

Q24. You see :Fourth avenue” not 4th, there is a difference.

Q25. No, because of the $ sign, which cant be on a sign had we quoted 375 fine it would have been fine.


   Another Free Rallye Begins Below

Wheels Of Fortune Free Rallye

Welcome to the third Wheels Event of the year, WHEELS OF FORTUNE. This event can be run on the streets or can be run from home on Google Street View. The object is simple, you drive along and look for signs that are missing letters and fill in those missing letters as you go. For example, if you see a sign, “Wildlife Area Ahead”, we may quote it as


                    P96. “Wildlife - - - -  Ahead”


  You would simply fill in the letters AREA to complete the quote. No letters are ever skipped and the amount of letters must coincide with the number of dashes. Fill in on your scoresheet  the letters filled in in the corresponding spaces for them. Each quotation is preceded by a capital letter P (short for puzzle and a number (P55, P 56, etc.). Signs for the puzzles must be quoted.

   Of course you may not see some, some aren’t here at all, and we have thrown some route tricks into the course to make it more fun. So read the rest of these general instructions completely to have knowledge on how to run the course.

Route Instructions


   You will have route instructions to direct you through the course. This page is your general instructions which set up the rules of how to run the rallye.

    Route instructions give you direct actions to perform  and each route instruction is numbered and you should perform the route instructions in ascending consecutive numerical order, beginning with route instruction 1 by physical evidence you see from the course at the first chance to do unless otherwise stated.

   Road segments marked as “No outlet”, “Dead end”, or “Private” are nonexistent. Private property, driveways, alleys and parking lots are nonexistent. These Prefixes to road names are irrelevant, old, new, N, S. E, W, north, south, east and west are irrelevant. The words old and/or new are nonexistent on a sign. St = street =avenue = ave = Tr = Ln= road= trail = boulevard. etc. Obey the law.

   Signs will be quoted from left to right top to bottom. Spacing, case type and font are irrelevant. Everything must be spelled correctly. Signs will never appear directly behind. Only signs will be quoted. Be sure and drive carefully and turn around carefully you don’t want to back up and put your car in reverse. In addition you should Turn on Home. Punctuation and artwork are nonexistent on a sign. Don’t use any liquor. Signs may be quoted in full or in part.

   A puzzle, indicated by a capital letter  P  and a number, can be answered from the completion of the route instruction immediately above to the completion of the route instruction immediately below.

   Information enclosed in parentheses in the route instructions may be helpful to indicate a situation or  road name but is not an official part of that rallye; i.e. All information enclosed in parentheses in a route instruction from the first parenthesis to the last parenthesis in the same

route instruction is non-existent. Pick up points will be indicated by double asterisks and the words Pick Up Point. There are never any gimmicks concerned with pick up points. Left on Webley. Ers=er.

   The obvious route is the route you travel between instructions, it is Right at Tee, straight as possible.

   If you have a chance to do more than one type of instructions at an intersection you should do th one of highest priority: General Instructions minus the obvious route paragraph, route instructions, obvious route.



At—In the immediate proximity of the sign, location, object or road described.

Stop Sign—An official highway sign that contains the word “stop” at which you are obligated by law to stop.

Sideroad - A named road that extends one way from the road you are traveling.

End—the end of a name or numbered street  upon which you are traveling.

Opportunity—a named road other than the one you are traveling.

After—completely past the referenced object, sign, street or location.

Tee—Where two roads meet in the general shape of the letter T,  where you have a chance to go left and a chance to go right but no chance to go straight.

Intersection—the meeting or crossing of two or more named roads.



      P14. “YIE   - -”

17. Left on Idaho

18.  Right on Utah.

19. Right or Left at Tee.      

20. Left at Tee

     P15. “no parking —-”

21.  Left on Meacham.

22. Right on Biesterfield.

      P16. ‘VILLAGE SM  - - - S”

      P17. “THE HOME  - - - - T”

23. Left on Michigan.

24. Left at end.

     P18. “M  - - O T  CT”

25. Right on Meacham .

26. Left on Cindy (at Virginia).

27. Right on Haise then ignore “No Outlet” at Morgan and go left.

28. Left at Tee.

     P19. ”CHAF  - -  - CT”  

     P20. “VON BRAUN CLI  -  -  -  - D”

29. After passing Mitchell, Make alternate Left/Right turns on to roads  specifically designated as a “Trail” or “Tr” until you get to a road that begins with the letter C, then left on that road that begins with the letter C.

      P21.  “STOP 2  -  - Y “

30. Right at Tee then Left at the first opportunity then East on Nerge then Left on Rohlwing.

31. Left on Timber (comes up fast) then right on Wilma (comes up really fast).

   P22. “JOHNS  -  -  -  - -  K”

32. Left on Biesterfield (don’t speed it’s a speed trap).

   P23. “FINES -  -   -   -   -   R”

   P24. “POW  -   -  -  -  - RK”

33. Left on Meacham.

   P25. “Smoke & V  -  -  -”

   P26. “LI  -  -  -  R”

34. Left into Steak n Shake and end rallye.


Course Synopsis




p2, BOWL, THERE IS A SIGN ALONG MEACHAM POINTING YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. IT DOES NOT MATTER THAT THIS IS A SMALL p Because we tell you there is no difference between spacing, case type, or font.

P3. PRIME, From Chicago Prime Italian restaurant.

   2. An opportunity is defined as A named road other than the one you are traveling. You get to a named sideroad to the right and your road name changes to Thnacker at that point. So Right at second opportunity.





P8. ZONE. Sign reading end school zone.

P9. Blank. This is not a quotation of a sign, because there are no quotes around it.

P10. SCOUTTR. There is a sign if you looked at Weathersfield and Plum Grove for an adopt a highway. You  got there if you went left on Webley as the General Instructions told you to do.

P11. No .eventually everyone gets back together on Hampshire.  The Revere  erse=er doesn’t work to change to Revere to Reverse  so you can use it.

P12 No , only fill—if you misses P13’s gimmick

P13 CPA, for the fill in for Potomac park. Instruction 13 read Left on sideroad, If you go to the definitions,  it says a sideroad is a road that extends one way from the road you are on. So the Tee works, it goes one way, it goes two ways, but the wisdom of the line “does a man have one arm?” Yes, he also has two.

P14 LD you should have turned on Home, not just once but twice if you did you got a Yield  sign.

P15 should read this this its off a no parking this side for on course cars that realized that instruction 20. right or left at tee, can be done by making the first right onto a cul de sac named Utah Ct.

P16 The first quote is not a quotation sign, its an apostrophe. Blank.

P17 The Home Dept sign does not meet the sign regulations of being read left to right top to bottom. Blank.

P18 IN, from Minot Ct. The end of the road is when it changes names, At Dakota Michigan changes names to Nebraska.

P19 You can ignore the “no outlet” sign on Morgan by looking away, but you can’t go down there because it is marked as no outlet which is nonexistent according to higher priority General Instructions. You should have ignored then gone left on Wordon. Off course saw P19 and answered EE. It should be blank.

P20 BLANK  It is quoted wrong, Van Braun/wm clifford, you can’t ignore the wm

P21 BLANK Well since TR and trail can be also st or street or ave, etc. Every road can be used to make your alternate turns. So you can turn on Parker Place. On course end at Cunningham off course at Cary.

P22 ONPAR, remember the parentheses part of the general instructions, i.e.. All information enclosed in parenthesis in a route instruction form the first parenthesis to the last parenthesis in the same route instruction is non-existent. So thus the right on Wilma is nonexistent. You got the Onpar from Johnson Park.

P23 HIGHE, From the sign Fines Higher

P24 Powell Park if you remembered to turn on Home again

P26 BLANK You can’t use liquor according to the general instructions.

P25 BLANK You can’t quote an ampersand it is artwork or punctuation so it can’t be on the sign.


Streets Of Fury

(Another free rallye from Wheels Rallye Team)



   Welcome to Streets of Fury, a gimmick road rallye designed and presented by the Wheels Rallye TeamThis rallye is designed to run on physical roads or to use Google Street View. You can run safely in your car or at your computer.

   You travel the course by route instructions and these general instructions.

   Each route instruction will be numbered and they are to be performed in ascending consecutive numerical order, beginning with route instruction 1, by physical evidence seen from the course. Each route instruction must be completed before beginning to work on the next numbered route instruction. Sometimes you do not have a route instruction or general instruction to perform at an intersection,  when that occurs, follow the obvious route, which is Right at Tee, straight as possible. In all cases you must follow  the order of precedence (from highest precedence to lowest): General Instructions minus the Obvious route sentence, then (fallback) the obvious route. You will never have to look for physical evidence directly behind. Make no U turns except at cul de sacs. 

   Road names must be spelled correctly but prefixes to a road name such as N,S, W, E, Old, New are irrelevant. Avenue = lane = street = dr  = rd = st = ave, etc. are irrelevant on a street sign.

   Instructions 8 through 18 are part of a special instruction. Perform it as described.

  Obey the law. Do not drive fast through  residential areas.

Consider road segments marked by a sign reading “no outlet”, “dead end” “blind” or “private” as nonexistent. Consider private property with the exception of the starting and ending parking lot to be nonexistent (to drive upon). Driveways and alleys and Kingsley St (construction) are nonexistent. Church and any factory and school roads are nonexistent. For safety use a tad more while driving through residential areas. Never pass first street. Some Words all in capital letters in the Route Instructions may be scrambled and you should unscramble them if necessary.

   Information enclosed in parentheses is helpful information only and not an official part of the rallye. You should not get lost. We use pick up points throughout the rallye, Go to the nearest intersections described by the pick up points, if lost. Don’t get lost on an island somewhere.


A sign is any structure containing words and/or numbers or and/or road depictions. Separate signs on or attached to the same structure are the same sign. Quoted words in the instructions, “example”, refer to actual letters and numbers on a sign. Spacing and font are irrelevant. Words in the route instructions that are entirely in capital letters may be scrambled and can be scrambled into other words if necessary, otherwise case type of letters is irrelevant. Signs may be referred to in whole or in part. Signs may be quoted in full or in part. Only numbers and letters  AND ROAD DEPICTIONS will be quoted. Punctuation and artwork on a sign are nonexistent. Spelling must be exact.

QUESTIONS   You will be presented with questions throughout the rallye. Each question will be indicated by the letter Q and a number and finished with a question mark. Answer a valid question from the completion of the numbered route instruction above it, to the completion of the numbered route instruction below the question. Answer all valid questions. Put your answers on the scoresheet in the spaces provided.


STOP –an official highway (street) sign containing the word STOP at an intersection.

CROSSROAD– A road that crosses your road.

TEE-An intersection in the general shape of the letter T, where you have a chance to go right and a chance to go left but no chance to go straight.

SIDEROAD—A road that extends in only one direction from your road.


AT– In the immediate proximity of a sign, landmark, object  or road.

AFTER –Completely past the sign, road, landmark or object referred.

DIRECTION-Right or Left

OPPORTUNITY-A named road in the direction stated



1. Start at Barrington Square Town Center on Higgins Road just east of Barrington Road in Hoffman Estates. West out of the parking lot then Right at Barrington Road.

2. Left at Hassell Rd. (at Mobil station).

   Q1. Did you see International House of Pancakes?

   Q2. Did you see “2300 N. Barrington Rd. Vistex”?

3. Left at Stop Sign (unmarked Greenspoint).

   Q3.Did you pass “Wildlife Crossing Next 2 miles”?

4. Left on Bartlett Road then Left on Bode Road.

**Pick Up Point—Heading East on Bode Road from Bartlett Road**

   Q4. Did you see “Speed Limit 40?”

5. Right on the 6th marked sideroad (look up definition).

   Q5. Did you pass Glendale ct?

6. Right on Green Meadows then Right after Kosan.

      Q6. Did you travel on Petrie?

7. Right on Debbie then Right at the second opportunity.

     Q7. Did you see Winfield Ct?

     Q8. Did you pass Amber Ct?

**Pick Up Point - Heading south on Odlum at Schaumburg Road**

8. At “Ashburn Ct” Begin the Anything Can Happen Game.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTION. In the chart below, there are Three choices for each numbered instruction, Just perform the one that applies first for each. Do not do more than one choice for each numbered instruction.; if more than one applies at the same point perform the choice of  highest precedence: A over B and C, B over C. Mark on your scoresheet the lettered command you made for each instruction.


A   Right on Homes

B  Right on Crossroad

C   Right at “Yield”


A   Left on Bell

B    Left first opp

C Left at first opportunity


A Right on Crecsent

B Right after Hawk

C Right on  Ashling


A  Left on Clemantis then Left on East

B  Left 4th opportunity after Gilcrest then Left on East

C  Left after Oak then Left on East


A  Left  at Ash

B  Left after Filbert

C Left on Red Cedar


A  North on “East”

B North on East

C Right on East


A  Left after Juniper Cir (Seton)

B  Right on Sunset

C  Left on Azalea


A  Right on Villa

B  Right on sideroad after Willow

C  Right on Villa off of Streamwood


A  Right on Hillside

B Right at Hillside

C East on Hillside


A  Right at “Tee”

B  Right on Ridge

C   Right at STOP 


19. Left on Sunset then Left on East then Right on Schaumburg Road.

**Pick Up Point—Heading East on Schaumburg Road approaching Barrington Road**

 20. Left on Barrington then Right on Holmes (comes up fast.)

   Q9. Did you see “Rob Roy”?

21. Left at the second opportunity after “Glasgow” then East on Holmes.

22.Left on Walnut then Right on Lawson.

   Q10. How many times did you stop at a Stop Sign?

23. Left on Cottington then Left on Tebay.

   Q11. Is Fairhaven a crossroad?

24. Right on Bode.

**Pick Up Point—Heading East on Bode Road approaching Harmon**

25. Left on Harmon then Left on Golf (58).

26. Right on Moon Lake.

   Q12. Did you see a road named after an Ivy League University?

   Q13. Did you see a bicycle sign?

   Q14. Did you see “Do Not Block Driveway”?

27. Left on Higgins

28. Right into endpoint parking lot / Barrington Square Town Center.

Synopsis of Streets of Fury

1. No, you see a lot of “IHOPS” but no “International House of Pancakes”.

2. No, period is in quote. Punctuation cannot be on a sign

3. No, Since Factory roads are not useable, your straight across Higgins puts you on Shoe Factory Road, which is nonexistent. You have to consider this   a Tee and gone right at tee on Higgins.  

4. No question mark inside quotes, again punctuation inside of a quote . Since it is nonexistent on  a sign it can’t be quote as such.

5. Yes, once you had one marked sideroad sign it precedes every road after it. So the second Garden, even though not preceded by a marked sideroad sign immediately in front of it, is preceded by no less that 5 marked sideroad signs ahead of it.

6. No, right after Kosan can be done on Kosan. Once you are completely past Kosan, you are completely past it. You can tun on the pat of kosan that follows it.

7. 7. No, if you did you encountered Church Street and used it as an opportunity.

8. Yes. Simply you saw the sign.

Anything can happen

9 B  (A is misspelled, C is a lesser choice than B)

10 C (Bell is spelled wrong, you don’t know what an opp is, so C)

11 B (A is spelled wrong, B is hat you should do, If you did it on Island you are wrong since we told you n the generals that you should not get lost, and told you to not get lost on an island).

12 B (Clematis is spelled wrong, B is correct, is a fallback) This scores 11)

13 C (C, right on red cedar comes up  first, Ash is nonexistent because it is a no outlet, Filbert I a fallback).

14 B (you can’t do a North on a sig, as “East” is quoted, B is correct, C is a fallback).

15. B (okay hardest gimmick. You cannot go past first so you turn on it, come back from the cul de sac and go left at TEE, if you went right you would have gone by it. Then B is done by on course cars.

16. B (everyone should have gone on Mayfield)

17 A (everyone should have gone right on Sunset.

18 C (Remember words all in capitals can be scrambled, here’s one wit C for STOP. Your first road is POST a place where you can unscramble STOP into POST. So C is correct.

Q9.NO, you got there off of County Farm Road, where you see Rob Roy a side street. The reason you could not take Dublin Ln was  that LN= drive, and Du blind r, make it marked as a blind road. Which is nonexistent. Making County Farm the first opportunity and you go left on White Branch. Note the Glasgow sign was past The intersection so you could not count that as the first.

Q10  3, You may have missed TADMORE which you are instructed to take in the general instructions.

Q11 No, it’s a sideroad, you should have gone right on Ashley because it Tebay changes to kingsley at that intersection, and you are told by the general instructions to not travel on Kingsley.

Q12 No,  You saw Harvard, but you have no idea if it is named for an ivy league school. So no physical evidence.

Q13 No, you saw a bicycle sign with a picture of a bicycle but art work is non existent. A Bike Sign is a completely different animal.

Q14 Yes, There are two or three of them.

   We hope you enjoyed this tricky rallye, thanks for participating. We have one more free rallye for you WHEELS OF FORTUNE below. Happy Rallying. And be sure and enjoy  our regular rallyes once the coronavirus ends.